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Celtics Nba Draft

Celtics Draft Results 2023

Jordan Walsh Comes to Beantown

One Draft Pick to Rule Them All

The Celtics entered the 2023 NBA Draft with just one draft pick, the 38th overall selection. Despite their limited draft capital, the Celtics made the most of their opportunity, selecting Arkansas wing Jordan Walsh.

Walsh's Impressive Resume

Walsh is a 6'7" swingman who averaged 12.9 points, 6.9 rebounds, and 2.5 assists per game for Arkansas last season. He is known for his athleticism, defensive versatility, and improving jump shot. Walsh has been praised by NBA scouts for his potential as a 3-and-D wing.

Filling a Need for Boston

The Celtics have been in need of a wing with Walsh's skill set for some time. He is expected to compete for a rotation spot immediately and provide valuable depth behind Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum. Walsh's defensive abilities and ability to knock down shots from outside will make him a valuable asset for the Celtics.


The Celtics' selection of Jordan Walsh in the 2023 NBA Draft is a shrewd move that fills a need for the team. Walsh is a talented young player with a bright future, and he could be a key contributor for the Celtics in the years to come.
